Office of Economie Development
TO: Michael O’Brien, Chair
FROM: Tim Cummings, Economic Development Director
Ce: Board of Aldermen
DATE: February 11, 2022
RE: Proposal to Extend Outdoor Dining
Please find the attached draft proposal for consideration. The idea is to provide it to you in advance in an effort
to provide you a preview into what is being contemplated and what we believe will be offered as legislation for
the next Board of Aldermen meeting. The attached does not preclude other ideas, suggestions, or even
legislation. Rather this is an attempt to help focus the conversation.
Proposed Layout & Timeframe
The proposed layout for extending outdoor dining is being offered for discussion purposes. We waited for
some time to see if interested parties would offer anything as an alternative, but to date, no alternative arose.
Therefore, this iteration was developed. It represents the consensus of the administration. The following plan
came about based on Engineering's efforts and in consultation with many departments with jurisdiction. It
takes into consideration the issues and concerns raised from this past falls' discussion at infrastructure. To that
end, the timeframe for extended outdoor dining would be shortened to begin May 1* and concluded on
October 15". Originally, the administration’s proposal was going to be submitted with absolutely no extended
outdoor dining from the westerly side of Main Street from the Factory Street to Water Street block, because it
was represented that no one along that block had an appetite for such a layout. However, upon closer
examination it became apparent that at least one entity is desirous to take advantage of extended outdoor
dining, which is why you’ll see on the plan a place for extended outdoor dining on the southerly end of the
block. I believe the proposal truly represents a compromise.
Parklet Options
Another observation that was made last fall was the barriers themselves not being aesthetically pleasing to that
end; some parklet options have been vetted and are being presented for consideration should the Board of
Aldermen endeavor to go in this direction.
Process Moving Forward
Relative to the process moving forward, | am not aware of any other process other than the Board of Aldermen
and the Infrastructure committee having jurisdiction on this matter. | believe if the Board of Aldermen, or the
Chair of Infrastructure specifically, puts a working group or subcommittee together to study this piece of
legislation or topic it would be advisory only to the Board of Aldermen and specifically to the Infrastructure
Committee. Absent any further direction on this, I believe this legislation would follow the normal course.
Should a working group or subcommittee be constituted I stand ready to discuss this proposal with any group.
Lastly, please remember this is a dynamic matter that is constantly evolving; therefore, if details change it is
based on feedback and discovery of new thoughts and I ask that patience be extended in this very active
229 Main Street, Suite 234 + Nashua, New Hampshire 03060 « Phone (603) 589-3106