Board Of Aldermen - Agenda - 2/22/2022 - P133
ed ateheed chan MOT Toietol a Photography
Nashua Arts &
Culture Plan

ed ateheed chan MOT Toietol a Photography
Nashua Arts &
Culture Plan
Nashua Arts & Culture P
Ol O2 O3
Introduction Plan Background Current Status
O4 O5-O7 O8-O9
Vision & Top Enhance Cultivate
Goals Economic Impact Collaboration
Support Arts Increase Appendix
Education Awareness
The Nashua Arts Commission, formed
by City Ordinance 0-10-36 in
November 2010, is a volunteer
commission of the City of Nashua
appointed by the Mayor. Its mission is
to serve the community as Nashua’s
resource to facilitate, advocate,
coordinate and educate on behalf of
the art and cultural assets of the City
of Nashua.
The Arts Commission is classified as a
local arts agency by the National
Endowment for the Arts and the NH
State Councii on the Arts. As is the
nature of local arts agencies in the US,
public support for the arts is more than
the transactional function of grant-
making. Local arts agencies nave a
developmental role, provicing guidance
and advice, anc] to serve as guardians of
the public trust to procure and deliver
equity and excellence in managing the
City's arts and cultural resources. As an
agency of the City government, that
guardianship is charged with balancing
social accountability to demonstrate
civic and economic impact of allocating
tax dollars to fund arts and culture
Our Beliefs
Arts and culture is the
heart and soul of every
city; enhancing the
quality of life of all
e The creative economy is a
community asset that
strengthens the local
economy and draws visitors
to Nashua
e Arts & Culture provides a
common language that
brings diverse populations
e¢ A vibrant arts community
requires collaboration
between artists, arts
organizations, municipal
government, and business
organizations with a strong
citizen volunteer base
¢ As a Welcoming City,
inclusion and access to arts
& culture should be available
to all
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Plan Background
Where Weve
Come From
As part of its mission, the Arts
Commission produced an initial
five-year Arts and Culture Plan that
was accepted by the Board of
Aldermen in November, 2014. This is
an update of that plan designed to
provide a framework for dev2loping
annual priorities, securing human
resources ana funding, and
developing annual work plans. Due
to an interruption in the riormat
cycle, this version is intended ta
caver 2022 through 2027.
The Arts Commission held an initial
input session for the revised plan in
2C19 with ine arts ccinmunity and
interested citizens, facilitated by
Ginnie lpi, the Director of the NH
State Council on the Arts in
additional to regular planning
sessions during late 2020 and 2021.
The Commission’s Arts and Culture
Plan workgroup worked to actively
align the Arts & Culture Plan with
imagine Nashua, a long-range
citywide strategic plan.
Where We're
This new plan inciudes possibilities for
growth in the aris and culture sector
and addresses internal challenges to
achieve plan goals. This includes some
redefining of the role cf the Arts
Commission, developing policy that
fosters arts and culture aevelooment,
long-term financial commitment to
support the goals, and strategic inter-
departmenxal collaboration by the City.
We) WV aal=) alors) ats
believe ‘the arts &
culture are
Tea) eXelae-lalmxekeler-\ [ia
of life.”
Scurce: Americans for the Arts’ 2016 public opinion survey
by Ipos Public Affiars
Vibrancy at Work
Nashua is HOME to...
¢ More public art that any other city in New Hampshire
¢ The only City with an International Sculpture Symposium in the United
* NH's only professional symphony orchestra and premier youth theater
¢ Art Walk, Southern New tiampshire’s largest arts festival
* The Winter Holiday Stroll, bringing 30,000 peoole to downtown Nashua
each year
For all these reasons and more, Nashua was selected by the New Hampshire
State Council on che Arts as the state’s Creative Community at the
Governor's Awards in 2617.
\\ The City is sioving ahead with the construction of a new
; 75C seat Performing Arts Center on Main Street, as well as
D ienovating our community arts facility at 14 Court Street
with improvements to the main theater, new artist studios
and reopening its small black box theater.
The Nashua Arts Commission will oversee Pla nn
the execution of this plan. Plan actions and
related recommendations are introduced Reference
by top goal and according to anticipated Timeframes
year of completion. The Arts Commission © Near-term: 2022-2024
reserves the right to extend timeframes to ° Mid-term: 2023-2025
best serve the project once in motion. * Long-term: 2025-2027
Our Vision
Nashua Is a creative city where the
arts energize life and enhance
experiences for residents and visitors
alike with ongoing Citywide supp ort.
Top Goals
Enhance Economic
Support arts related ideas,
projects and intrastructure
enhancements that prornote
positive, rneasurable econorr ic
Support Arts
Cultivate artistic endeavors
through the development of arts
enrichment programs that foster
arts education for all ages
Foster collaboration between
arts organizations, the public
sector, local businesses, and
civic organizations to work
together, share resources and
leverage opportunities to
enhance Nashua’s arts
Expand the number of
residents and potential
visitors who know about,
appreciate, and participate
in Nashua’s lively art scene
City of Nashua
Purchasing Department
Administrative Services Division (603) 589-3330
229 Main Street - Nashua, NH 03060 Fax (603) 594-3233
May 11, 2022
Memo #22-278
TO: Mayor Donchess
Finance Committee
SUBJECT: Software License: Continental Resources Inc in the amount not to exceed $282,054
funded from 54407 Software Maintenance & 71228 Computer Software /General Fund
Please see attached communications from Nick Miseirvitch, ClO, dated April 13, 2022 for project specific
details related to this purchase. Below please find a summary of the purchase approval request:
Item: 4-year Software Licensing for Cybersecurity Software Darktrace
Value: $282,054
Vendor: Continental Resources Inc. under the Commonwealth of MA contract #ITC73
Department: 122 Information Technology
Source Fund: 54407 Software Maintenance - $270,302, 71228 Computer Software - $11,752/
General Fund
Ordinance: Pursuant to § 5-84 Special purchase procedures A/(3) Purchases which can be
procured through cooperative intergovernmental purchase agreements with
other governmental jurisdictions
The Administrative Services Division: Information Technology, and the Purchasing Department
respectfully request your approval of this contract.
Kelly Parkinson
Purchasing Manager
Ce: N Miseirvitch
J Graziano
Economic Impact
Support arts related ideas, projects and infrastructure enhancements
that promote positive, measurable economic growth
Action 1:
Create a foundation
of reliable economic
data to use as an
evaluation tool for
new art projects and
Recommendation A
Timeframe: Near-term
Present Americans for the Aris 2019 economic
impact stucly of the Nashua area as baseline for
measurement to arts organizations, Board of
Aldermen, City Department heads Downtown
Improvement Committee, Chamber of
Commerce, and other civic organizations
Recommendation B
Timeframe: Near-term
Sponsor and facilitate the 2022 and 2025
Americans for the Arts economic impact study
with funding and support from the Economic
Development department of the City.
A at-MaXe)a) o)aeliie-laccw-laleRoleli all g<M-y-Yon ce) a CW: ey | Rs;
million industry in the Nashua Region—one that
supports 361 full-time equivalent jobs and
generates $1.1 million in local and state
government revenue.
Economic Impact
Action 2: Recommendation A
Maintain Timeframe: Mid-term
affordable space Make necessary impiovements to Greeley Park
for Nashua’s Bandshell such as upgrading sound system, using
artists and arts local artists to beautify existing structure
Recommendatisn B
Timefrarne: Long-term
Complete iepairs anc renovations of 14 Court
Recornmendation C
Timeframe: Long-term
Preserve the Keefe Center for the Arts for
continued access and use by Nashua’s nonprofit
arts organizations and as a venue for fundraising
Economic Impact
; Recommendation A
Action 3: Timeframe: Near-term
Capitalize on Support successful completion and o;eration of
new and existing the Performing Arts Center and integration into
resources that the community.
Recommendaticn B
Timeframe: Near-term
Continue support of measurable audience
development of the arts organizations through
the Commission’s grant program.
Recommendaticn C Recommendation D
Timeframe: | Aid-term Timeframe: Mid-term
Adc listings of artists by category that Expand available funding for arts
sell their work er provide niivate projects and programs by increasing
performances to City’s arts grants, publishing a list of arts funding opportunities, and sharing any
funding opportunities on the Art's
Commission's Facebook page.
Recommendation E
Timeframe: Long-term
Investigate using Spectacle Live to book performances at Keefe and Holman
Stadium to share profits to fund the arts.
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