Board Of Aldermen - Agenda - 2/22/2022 - P115
Graham, Donna
To: Laurie Ortolano
Subject: RE: Letter and documents for the BoA packet
From: Laurie Ortolano
Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2022 8:37 AM
To: Graham, Donna <>
Subject: Letter and documents for the BoA packet
CAUTION: This email came from outside of the organization. Do not click links/open attachments if source is
Please provide the BoA with the attached police report on the Criminal Investigation into the Laurie Ortolano
issue of impostering a City employee.
Also, below is the email I sent to Mr Vincnet and copied the DRA, the Mayor and Ms. Kleiner on Friday,
February 4, 2022. While I did not call our Mr. Feoli by name, you can clearly see ] had direct information on
the project that only the company could provide. I believe that this email is what promoted Ms. Kleiner to
contact Mr. Feoli.
Laurie Ortolano
to Richard, Mayor, Kimberly, James,
Mr. Vincent,
Under the DRA certification requirement regarding assessing questions, please provide
answers to these important questions on public records.
I have some questions for you regarding the property record card scanning project. I
have recently learned that when Inception Technologies completes a scanning job, they
upload the files into the cloud and that Ms. Kleiner has access to these files
through Docuware.
[1] Do you have access to these property record files and who else has access to these
[2] Can you tell me why the public has not been allowed to access these cloud based
files through a computer terminal in City Hall.
[3] Also, can you tell me why Inception Technologies is not told to return the box data
immediately when they complete the scanning project?