Board Of Aldermen - Agenda - 2/22/2022 - P124
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To the Board of Alderman,
My name is Raymond Feoli, President of Inception Technologies. My company has provided the City
with dacument scanning services for the Assessors records. | am writing to the Board after having
conversation with Kim Kleiner today. It has come to my attention that | have been deceived by
individual, Laura Ortolano, who portrayed herself as city employee to me on thre different occasions.
My first conversation was approximately a month ago. Ms. Ortolano called my company and had left a
voicemail asking for an update on the project regarding the PO Number 158909. | promptly returned
her phone call thinking she was a city employee. She explained that based on the Invoices the City had
there was approximately $22K left on the existing PO. | had explained to her that had Just finished a
batch and was billing another $12K against the PO. She had aiso asked about when documents were
going to be returned and | told her that we were scheduled to drop off a batch and pick up another
batch. During that conversation, she had mentioned that she would make sure payment was expedited
on any open invoices. | told her we just sent the invoice so It was no hurry on that.
This past Friday | received a voicemail from Ms. Ortolano which | forwarded to Kim Kleiner after
speaking with Ms. Ortolano and finding out about this person from Kim. | called her back thinking she
was with the city and we had just invoiced another batch. Getting close to the original PO amount, |
thought she was just syncing up with my company to make sure we were on track with the PO and
boxes. She asked several questions about accessing the documents and the public having access to
those records. She explained that while my company had the documents, she stated “we don’t have
access to those files. When can we get those files back?” | corrected her and said well you may not
have access to the physical records, what we have scanned was searchable and could be emailed or
printed by finding the records in the DocuWare system. | said to her thinking she was an employee "I
don’t know If a login has been created for you or if you are able to have access to those records in the
assessors database, but if you don’t, then someone in the assessors department could provide those
files.” | went on to explain that we had picked up a batch of approximately 80 boxes and due to the
remainder on the PO, we had broken that big batch into smaller batches to avold exceeding the original
PO amount. | did mention that | had just quoted the City on the remainder of the boxes. She thanked
me ended the conversation.
She called beck a little while later on my cell phone. During this conversation she asked me about the
files left to scan. I had explained that | did 2 quotes for the Assessors department. One quote was for
the boxes we had sitting in our warehouse that would most likely not fit under the existing PO. That was
approximately 55 boxes. | then mentioned that | had donea separate quote for 98 boxes that the
department has ready to go once the approval or PO was cut. She passed a comment implying that she
was going to help push that along and would let me know when she sees It. | sald thank you and we
hung up the phone.
Its Important to note that any document scanning project is an estimate on the volumes of
paper. When we originally did the inspection with Bruce Codagone, we estimated that the City had
approximately 1.2 million pages which we felt was a conservative estimate. The thought was to scan the
entire set of records over a couple of budget years and show the value the city was going to get from
the system. So when we quoted it both Bruce and Inception was aware that we had not accounted for
the entire set of records in the initiat proposal.