City of Nashua
Charter and Related Laws
§ 56-c. Limitation on budget increases 32
Recognizing that final tax rates for the City of Nashua are set by the New Hampshire
Department of Revenue Administration pursuant to RSA 21-J:35(1), the mayor, the board of
aldermen, and all departments in the City of Nashua including the mayor's office, aldermanic
office, legal department, administrative services division, community services division,
community development division, school department, public works division, fire department,
police department, public libraries, parking garages and cemeteries shall prepare their annual
budget proposals and the Board of Aldermen shall act upon such proposals in accordance with
the mandates in this paragraph
In establishing a combined annual municipal budget for the next fiscal year, the mayor and the
board of aldermen shall consider total expenditures not to exceed an amount equal to the
combined annual budget of the current fiscal year, increased by a factor equal to the average of
the changes in the Gross Domestic Product Implicit Price Deflator (IPD} for State and local
Government Consumption Expenditures and Gross Investment of the three (3) calendar years
immediately preceding budget adoption as published by the Bureau of Economic Analysis a:
This provision shall not prevent the mayor and the board of aldermen from establishing a
combined annual municipal budget below this limit
This provision shail not prevent the mayor and the board of aldermen from appropriately
funding any programs or accounts mandated to be paid from municipal funds by state and
§ 56-d. Exception to budget limitation34
The total or any part of principal and interest payments of any municipal bond, whether
established for school or municipal purposes, may be exempted from the limitation defined in
paragraph S6-c upon an affirmative vote of at least ten (10} a’dermen. This decision shall be
made annually.
In addition, capital expenditures deemed necessary by the mayor and the board of aldermen,
subject to recommendation by the capital improvements committee (ref. Paragraph 77- a of
the City Charter} may sim larly be exempted from this limitation upon an affirmative vote of at
least ten (10) aldermen.