Graham, Donna
From: Beth Scaer
Sent; Wednesday, February 16, 2022 8:38 PM
To: Board of Aldermen
Subject: Downtown barriers
CAUTION: This email came from outside of the organization. Do not click links/open attachments if source is
Dear Aldermen,
I appreciate very much Laurie Ortolano and Aldermen Comeau keeping the Nashua taxpayers in the loop about
what is happening with the plans for the downtown barriers. I am very concerned to hear that an illegal public
meeting was held to discuss the barriers, especially since the presence of the barriers downtown is
I am very much opposed to the barriers most especially because the police and fire departments reported that the
barriers cause delays in responding to emergencies. Having had a serious house fire four years ago, I have
painful first-person experience of how every second counts when the firefighters are responding to a fire. I do
not want to see any Nashua resident lose their property or their life because Main Street is clogged up and
emergency vehicles can't get through.
Beth Scaer
111 East Hobart Street